Digitalization remains a persistent initiative across industries.
According to Gartner, digital initiatives are the top priority for 2019. Only 4% of organizations have no digital initiative at all, which signals a shift from digital as an option to digital as a mainstream platform.
This calls for a complete overhaul of the enterprise network, aiming instead for a dynamic, resilient network that securely delivers applications and provides the necessary visibility and analytics in an environment dominated by advancing technologies.
Rolling Out a New Approach to Security Analytics and Threat Response for IoT
Did you know?
At Networking Field Day 20, Extreme’s Vice President of Solutions Architecture and Innovation Markus Nispel discussed in-depth Extreme’s ML-driven security analytics and automated threat response for IoT.
In these videos, Markus takes us on a journey to a new way of thinking about network management and automation, featuring new security analytics and threat response capabilities. Learn about Extreme’s new, unique approach to ML-based anomaly and threat detection for IoT devices to identify and automatically respond to threats traversing inside the network.
Demo Video #1
Demo Video #2