Extreme Networks is once again proud to sponsor the Random Hacks of Kindness (RHoK) Ottawa Hackathon this weekend, April 13 – 15, 2018. RHoK is part of a global organization that hosts “hack-a-thon” events inviting developers to collaborate on solving technology challenges faced by community groups, charities, not-for-profits, and civic organizations.
Over 100 participants, made up of problem solvers, creative thinkers, and technologists will work in teams to tackle six projects throughout the course of the weekend. Though the majority of attendees are students and young adults, volunteers of all ages collaborate in groups to support projects, which include non-profits and charities local to Ottawa, Canada.
The projects participants will tackle at RHOK #8 include:
- Parkdale Food Centre, promotes food and financial literacy in children and youth, so they have a better chance at living healthy and fulfilling lives.
- Rideau-Rockclife CRC, a city-wide initiative allows companies, private donors, governmental agencies, and community organizations to provide various donations including tickets to recreational and cultural events, surplus office supplies/equipment, furniture, new clothing, medical equipment and much more to 180+ non-profit organizations.
- CodeMyRobot.ca, is a not for profit, volunteer run, organization that encourages and empowers youth to try coding for the first time. To reach as many students as possible we supply school libraries with coding robots at no cost. The students then have an opportunity to join our online competition that illustrates their coding robot results.
- iSisters, creates and delivers technology programs at no cost to learners because we believe in equipping women with the skills and confidence to participate fully in their community.
- Fair Vote Canada, seeks broad multi-partisan support to embody in new legislation the basic principle of democratic representative government and ultimate safeguard of a free society: the right of each citizen to equal treatment under election laws and equal representation in legislatures.
- Carlington Community Health Centre, helps individuals take control of their personal health, and works to improve the health and well being of our community as a whole. The Centre provides a wide range of health, mental health and addictions services to parents and children, youth and teens, and seniors.
We are looking forward to a weekend filled with coffee, candy, no sleep, problem solving, and connecting motivated volunteers, coordinators, and hackers! As a sponsor of the hack-a-thon, Extreme is proud to support the creative and technical minds who are building new and innovative technology solutions.
Stay tuned for our post hack-a-thon blog and take a look at our recap of the last RHOK – Ottawa event here.