Exemplary School Award For Commitment To Personalized 21st Century Learning Environment

Bob NilssonDirector, Vertical Solutions MarketingMay 15th 2016

Educators seldom get the credit they deserve. Especially during an election cycle, our education system is subjected to endless whipping, when in fact, school districts across the country deserve praise for the progress they have made toward personalized learning. At Extreme Networks, we feel a responsibility to call attention to the innovative educational leaders who are advancing the state of education in the country. Stand-out schools that lead by example and embody the best in American education are awarded the Extreme Networks Exemplary Award.

The vision of Zeeland Public Schools (ZPS) is to promote the potential of every student and recognize the importance of each person. To enable this vision, ZPS has implemented a pervasive computing-based mobile learning environment across the eleven buildings in their district. Their infrastructure readily adapts to evolving curricular needs. They recognize that everyone learns differently, so their network must be prepared to meet the demanding requirements of eBooks, streaming video, and blended or flipped learning.

It is our pleasure at Extreme Networks to award the Exemplary School Award to Zeeland Public Schools for supporting lifetime learners with cutting-edge technology. The award will be presented to Joshua VerHelst, director of educational technology services at Zeeland Public Schools, during a board of education meeting May 16, 2016.


Previous Exemplary Award recipient, Romeo Community Schools. Shown above are Tom Catanese of Extreme Networks; Mark Nelson, Exec Director of Technology, Romeo Community Schools; and  Dean Rynkowski of Integrated System Specialists.