Cloud-Managed Networking: Delivering A Quality Learning Experience with Limited Resources
Imagine you manage the entire network for a large K-12 school system with 21 buildings across multiple acres of land. Teachers and students all need to connect from anywhere, but your network has become outdated. Your teachers are forced to plug their laptops into the wired network every time they move from classroom to classroom, because of spotty and unreliable Wi-Fi. Bandwidth problems make online testing difficult. As the sole IT manager, you are responsible for troubleshooting problems and keeping the network up and running.
This was the situation faced by Chávez/Huerta K-12 Preparatory Academy (CHPA). The school knew a network infrastructure upgrade was necessary to implement reliable wireless connectivity throughout their two campuses. They wanted to provide a high-quality Wi-Fi experience for teachers and students, with secure BYOD. This was an important step in delivering the best possible learning environment and maintaining their “Best High School” status as recognized by US News and World Report.
Chávez/Huerta worked with their managed services provider, Colorado Computer Support, to select a cloud-managed network solution to support their primary goal of providing all students with an advanced and accelerated college preparatory educational program in a supportive and challenging learning environment.
As we found in our worldwide cloud survey of 633 IT and network managers, organizations continue to grow their networks and user bases. At the same time, the IT budgets and staff that support these growing networks are remaining the same or even decreasing. This was exactly the situation at Chávez/Huerta; they needed a network solution to provide a high quality learning experience, yet efficient enough to manage with a small staff.
“When I was looking at Extreme’s network product line, interoperability with our existing solution was a key factor. On top of that, the ability to manage remotely allows me to solve issues quickly, wherever I am.” – Loretta Cruz, IT coordinator, Chávez/Huerta
Chavez/Huerta set important IT infrastructure requirements for their networking, which have been met by the Extreme Networks solution. These criteria include:
When your school looks for an IT solution that accelerates learning, there are significant considerations you should take into account. EdTech’s Six Best Practices for Wi-Fi Deployment in K–12 gives valuable recommendations. Be sure to find a network management solution that:
To learn more about how Chávez/Huerta K-12 Preparatory Academy provides cloud-based Wi-Fi access to students and staff see Chávez/Huerta Embraces Wireless with the Help of ExtremeCloud. Let us help you connect your classrooms for better educational outcomes.
This blog was written by Bob Nilsson and Bettina Baumgart.